Prevention in Dental Health
The accumulation of bacterial plaque on the teeth is the main cause of tooth problems: caries, gum disease and halitosis.
Our main objective will be to avoid this accumulation.
Preventive Program:
To achieve this, we must follow a preventive program consisting of:
-Mechanical methods: These include manual or electric toothbrushes and dental floss or interdental brushes.
-Chemical methods: The use of mouthwashes, gels, sprays… are co-helpers to mechanical methods to control bacterial plaque.
Periodic check-ups are essential: they are performed by the Platón Dental team, thus verifying the health situation and being able to take measures in anticipation of the advance of bone loss, gum recession and dental mobility.
The periodicity will depend on each patient but will range from 3 to 12 months.
Prevention of gum problems
Periodontitis is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adulthood. The main cause of this disease is the accumulation of dental plaque.
It is scientifically proven that if we avoid or remove this plaque periodically, the progression of the loss of supporting tissue of the teeth is prevented.
Prevention of dental problems
The preventive program also has an impact on caries. One of the most prevalent oral health problems.
The routine application of a gel with fluoride concentrate increases dental mineralization and reduces the risk of caries. It also helps to remineralize the enamel at all times of life.
By complying with this preventive program, our patients can enjoy their teeth for many years, saving them from later problems and discomfort.